Outdoor Power and Recreational Equipment

Outdoor Power and Recreational Equipment mechanics carry out diagnosis, make repairs and scheduled maintenance on a large variety of vehicles and small powered equipment including, but not limited to, All Terrain Vehicles (ATV), Motorcycles, Snowmobiles, Generators, Pumps, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Tractors, Small Engine units and other motor vehicles using a large variety of electronic, mechanical testing equipment and tools. With the increasing technical advances currently being made each year, this process involves the use of many computerized diagnostic tools. An even greater variety of tools is used to complete the work depending on the area of expertise you decide to focus on. Besides diagnosis, repairing damaged and defective vehicles and items, mechanics also conduct routine and scheduled maintenance such as engine tune ups, alignment and running gear adjustments, replacement and balancing of tires, replacing the oil and filters, lubrications, engine and handling improvements. Tuning is also required to increase performance and functionality of the varied products. These repairs and maintenance must be completed to exacting safety standards and customer satisfaction.
With all of the high performance machinery, complex repairs and maintenance necessary, the new technology built into modern outdoor and recreational equipment components, knowledge of electronics is increasingly desirable in a mechanic as this position has developed into a Technician classification through many of these trades.
Main dutiesMechanics in this unit group perform some or all of the following duties:
- Review work orders and discuss work to be performed with supervisor
- Inspect and test engine and other mechanical components using test devices to diagnose and isolate faults
- Adjust, repair or replace mechanical or electrical system parts and components using hand tools and equipment
- Test and adjust repaired systems for proper performance
- Perform scheduled maintenance service on equipment
- Advise customers on work performed and general condition of equipment
- Determine estimates of repair cost
- May repair and rebuild hoisting mechanism and other mechanical systems on industrial trucks and forklifts.
Who do they work for?
- Dealerships
- Repair shops
- Service departments
- Self-employed
Sample titles
- All-terrain vehicle repairer
- Forklift mechanic
- Industrial truck repairer
- Motor scooter repairer
- Motorcycle mechanic
- Snowmobile repairer
Essential Skills
- Numeracy
- Thinking Critical
- Document use
How to join the field
- Completion of secondary school is usually required.
- For motorcycle mechanics, completion of a three- to four-year apprenticeship program or a combination of over three years of work experience in the trade and some high school or college courses in motorcycle repair is usually required to be eligible for trade certification.
- Motorcycle mechanic trade certification is compulsory in Ontario and Alberta and available, but voluntary, in Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and British Columbia.
- Other mechanics in this unit group may require several years of on-the-job training.
- Interprovincial trade certification (Red Seal) is also available for qualified motorcycle mechanics.
For more information, contact:
Skills/Compétences Canada294 Albert Street, Suite 201
Ottawa, ON K1P 6E6
Tel: 877 754 5226
Website : http://skillscompetencescanada.com/en/