IT – Office Software Applications

This competition area involves the use of the Microsoft Office application software. Microsoft Office is used widely in businesses throughout Canada and around the world. As a result, more and more businesses require personnel who are fluent in the applications of Microsoft Access, Excel, Word and PowerPoint. These personnel can archive and retrieve electronic files, and enter and manipulate data for efficiency, analysis, reporting, and presentation.
A user with well-developed skills in Microsoft Access is able to manage records and create meaningful reports while accessing simple or complex databases. Skills in using Microsoft Excel enable the user to set up and manipulate numeric data on worksheets. The numerical data can range from simple numbers to the development of complex formulas and graphs. Microsoft Word facilitates the preparation of a wide variety of business documents while Microsoft PowerPoint software allows the user to confidently prepare and give electronic presentations.
Main dutiesIT Office Software Applications users perform some or all of the following duties:
- Produce reports and documents using Microsoft Word program
- Produce spreadsheets that contain critical data to be used for analysis and production of different data reports using complex formulas and graphs
- PowerPoint users allows users to complete simple to complex electronic presentations
- Access allows users to build databases to store and retrieve information by running queries. It enables users to store both numerical and text information for re-call.
- Users can utilize other programs like Microsoft project, one note and others for a variety of different purposes.
Who do they work for?
- Everyone
Sample titles
- Office assistant
- Business manager
- Information management specialist
- Records technician
- Project manager
Essential Skills
- Thinking: Problem solving, Critical
- Document use
- Digital technology
How to join the field
- Computer training courses
- Microsoft Office Specialist training
For more information, contact:
Skills/Compétences Canada294 Albert Street, Suite 201
Ottawa, ON K1P 6E6
Tel: 877 754 5226
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